As anyone in sales or marketing knows, data is a vital tool that can be very beneficial to understanding your user’s intent. Analyzing user behaviors provides valuable information that can be applied to improvements across your sales process.

How your products, services, website, or mobile apps perform depends on user behaviors. Tracking these metrics provides information you can apply to various strategies across marketing, sales, and development. This is where user tracking comes in.

Where are your website visitors from? On which pages of your site do they spend most of their time? These and other crucial analytics allow you to adjust and improve your sales strategy. Incorporating these strategies helps you keep ahead of the curve in the ever-changing digital world. Read on to learn more about user tracking, how to implement it, and its many benefits.

Understanding User Tracking

User tracking allows you to collect, store, and measure crucial information about your users’ activities. Whether by your webpage or web application, user tracking lets you track and record certain activities and interactions. In addition, user tracking allows you to understand more about your users and adjust marketing materials and the sales funnel to better suit them.

The sales funnel is a consumer’s journey from being a prospect to becoming a paying customer. Understanding this process is critical for customer conversions and driving sales, as it requires you to understand how they find you and why they stay or leave.

Data-driven insights about your customers’ shopping behaviors are vital and can be acquired by user tracking, important site search analytics, and reports for collection filter activities.

How Does User Tracking Help to Accelerate Sales?

Accelerate your sales numbers and improve your processes by integrating user tracking into your marketing strategy, along with the following suggestions. First, employ user tracking to test your marketing strategies and determine the level of their success; this allows you to tweak your marketing strategies to be more effective. Directly implement your findings as part of your sales and lead generation process.

The main benefits of user tracking include:

  • Understanding the level of interest in your website and discovering which sections or pieces of content people find fascinating and engaging or distractive and incoherent
  • Taking a deep dive into your user journey to determine which sections (if any) are obstacles, time-wasting, or confusing
  • Assessing the performance of your site against your business objectives

Using Data on User Profiles and Behaviors

A proper understanding of your target audience can be the difference between success and failure. The more significant data you have about user behaviors, the easier it will be to make the right choices when planning and designing your site, app, products, and services.

User tracking allows you to analyze user profiles and behaviors by providing a range of properties and values. With this information, you can better understand who your users are and what they might be looking for. When you are armed with this information, it becomes much easier to boost sales numbers.

Some of the most important user properties we recommend paying close attention to include:

  • Job title
  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Personal interests

You can compare your info to that of others with a customer engagement benchmark report, which is a collection of the voice of the global customer and the latest benchmarks from various industries. This report helps marketing teams understand the latest digital customer engagement strategies to engage existing customers further using data.

Tracking Your User Journeys 

Another great way to improve processes and boost sales is by tracking the user journey across your site and mobile app. When you understand user activities and what they interact with, you can pinpoint the sections of your page that are not useful. From here, you can improve your user interface (UI) to boost user engagement and, you guessed it, sales!

The user journey should dictate your marketing strategy. The information that user tracking provides helps you identify the vital parts of your user experience. When you know how people interact with your content, you can zero in on your focus to create more of it.

Analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and Hotjar, are the most popular ways to track these interactions, and we recommend paying attention to these specific data points:

  • User demographics
  • Heat maps for cursor movement and clicks
  • Open rates (especially for the widgets)
  • User activities over time
  • Durations

Once you have analyzed this information, examine the center point of the first interaction and where the user learns about their pain point. Knowing how much time is spent on specific pages, where people click to find purchasing information, and the elements that attract or detract is vital. You will also see how many users actually complete the purchasing process.

Identifying high-value or high-potential leads, upselling, cross-selling opportunities, reengagement opportunities, and more requires accurate and reliable product data. There are many excellent product analytics tools to help with this, and we strongly recommend adding one to your toolbox.

Additional Productivity Tip: Use Gmail extensions to improve your productivity. Good user tracking can take a lot of time, so making sure you are saving time with other tools will maximize your reporting and communication to your internal teams.

Tweaking Your Content Strategies

The above tips will supply you with a better understanding of user behavior. The next step is to assess your current content strategies to gain a new perspective on what is working and what isn’t. We recommend tracking the following to do this:

  • Email and webpage open rates
  • User duration spent on content
  • Clicks on the CTA and on-page events

It’s important to know how easily people are reaching your content and which features they use to solve their problems. The average time spent on specific content and which pieces fail to see any traffic is also valuable information. Are people visiting your blog? Are all of your internal links working? These facets of your website can significantly affect performance.

Armed with this info, your next step is to choose the right fit from a range of sales tools that bypass manual operations, eliminating the need to follow up with cold emails, for example. If you automate manual activities while also personalizing your outreach, life becomes much easier!

User Tracking Can Help You Determine Your Business Objectives

A website should support your business objectives, and user tracking will confirm if this is the case for your website. The information user tracking provides is vital for understanding if users are acting how you think they are or how you want them to. If you don’t have this information, you’re missing out on evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing strategies in relation to your goals.

Clearly present your business values on your site and ensure the objectives meet the expectations of your users. User tracking is the best way to track activities and interactions and is a primary tool for regulating marketing strategies.

This vital information provides an expanded view of your target audience and the efficiency of your user journey to ensure your content strategies and business objectives are cohesive. With this information, you can take the next step with Lform B2B web design, which can help solve your challenges and drive measurable results.

About Nikola Sekulic

I’m a seasoned brand developer, a writer, and a storyteller. Over the last decade, I’ve worked on various marketing, branding and copywriting projects – crafting plans and strategies, writing creative online and offline content, and making ideas happen. When I’m not working for clients around the world, I’m exploring new topics and developing fresh ideas to turn into engaging stories for the online community.

Get in touch with Nikola

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