B2B Website Review: MooveGuru - How Well Are They Moving Their Audience to Convert?
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Meet MooveGuru
Website: MooveGuru.com
MooveGuru offers marketing automation tools for real estate agents and other moving professionals and a concierge service for homeowners and movers.
Our former colleague, Charles Punchatz, is now Vice President of Technology at MooveGuru. He kindly allowed us to look at the company’s website, which is due for some upgrades, and offer our thoughts in this week’s B2B web design review.
First Impressions
Users who land on your website should be able to understand what your organization does within three seconds or less. The first part of your homepage that visitors see is also known as the “hero area.”
MooveGuru’s headline, “Connecting Utilities for Your Clients,” is somewhat unclear. The stock image of a smiling woman is also generic. An image of a person doing something relevant, such as moving into a new home or reading a gas meter, would clarify MooveGuru’s service offering. The image of a family playing in a moving box that appears further down on the homepage is a good example.
Though we learn that MooveGuru provides a white glove service that its clients will then pass on to the end user, it is not immediately apparent what this service is.
Homepage Content and Hierarchy
Further down MooveGuru’s homepage, there is a carousel of icons. However, this is not labeled, and it is, therefore, unclear what these logos pertain to.
The following sections, beginning with “Market to Movers” and “White Glove Service Takes the Hassle Out of Moving,” make it much clearer what the company is selling and to whom. The website could be greatly improved by moving this information above the fold.
While the figures on MooveGuru’s homepage are undoubtedly impressive, statistics are often less useful than clients think in B2B design. If MooveGuru chooses to keep these statistics, we would advise making them smaller, taking up less valuable on-page space.
MooveGuru makes use of client testimonials on its homepage. This is a common practice in B2B web design and a B2C context and can be very effective. However, it’s not immediately clear that they are testimonials. Labeling the section, quotemark icons, or even portraits of the real individuals behind each quote could solve this problem.
Since testimonials can be valuable, we suggest moving this section to a more prominent position on the page.
In places, MooveGuru’s written content could be pared back to be clearer and stronger. For example, “White Glove Service Takes the Hassle Out of Moving” could simply become “Take the Hassle Out of Moving.” The bullet points in this section could also be shortened for easier readability and greater impact.
While the content of this B2B website is strong overall, revisiting the content hierarchy would make the most important sections stand out much more effectively. The homepage should make it immediately clear who MooveGuru are, what the company does, and who it is doing it for.
Site Navigation and Service Pages
MooveGuru’s site navigation utilizes a simple menu bar. However, the dropdown menu under “Company” is in a hover-over style, which we do not recommend due to the issues this presents on touchscreen devices.
Overall, the individual service pages such as “Mover Connect” and “Mover Engage” are well-presented, offering a straightforward and clear introduction to each service.
Returning for a moment to our discussion of content hierarchy, it could even be effective to move some of the more top-level content from these pages to the homepage. While a dedicated page is useful for SEO purposes, the “Mover Connect,” “Mover Engage,” and “Customer For Life” sections could be combined into a single page for an improved user experience and easier site navigation.
MooveGuru’s “Contact Us” page is hidden under the “Company” section. The site is also missing prominent calls to action for prospective new clients.
Ian’s Overall Grade: C
Jeff’s Overall Grade: C or C-
In conclusion, though MooveGuru’s website has some strong content, it does not always utilize it in the most effective way to communicate the company’s message to its prospective clients. The website is attractive and easily readable, and MooveGuru does a good job of summarizing its services and offers, but the hierarchy, visuals, and navigation could all be improved.
With a more logical content hierarchy, simpler navigation, and stronger images, MooveGuru’s website could be greatly improved.
You can see this full website design review and all our reviews on our YouTube channel.
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