B2B Website Review: Corporate Graphics Solutions
Meet Corporate Graphics Solutions
Website: corpgraphicsolutions.com
Corporate Graphics Solutions is a print solutions provider based in Rochelle Park, New Jersey. Founded 40 years ago by Harvey Ginsberg, Corporate Graphics Solutions offers design, printing, packaging, and fulfillment services to businesses in various industries, including publishing, beauty, health and wellness, and food.
First Impressions
Our first major concern is that no imagery exists in the hero area of Corporate Graphics Solutions’ website. This makes the website appear incomplete. The tagline makes it clear what the company does, but when the words “like you” are not accompanied by any video or imagery, we do not get a good sense of who the company’s ideal clients are.
Further down, we find more information on some of the company’s services and its clients. Since none of the clients are widely known household names, this section is unlikely to be particularly helpful. We would suggest using testimonials or case studies instead.
It is unclear that the four images to the right of this section are clickable buttons. Some text overlaid with the images could solve this problem.
Further Down the Homepage
The “Our Process” section would be better placed on a different page or lower down. Beneath this, the “We Collaborate” section, which outlines the company’s services, is confusing. This could be easily fixed with a stronger headline.
Though the content in the “We Problem Solve” section is strong, focusing on addressing client pain points, it is poorly executed and wastes valuable homepage real estate.
The footer is appropriately utilized, with social media links and internal navigation. However, there is a lot of blank space in the footer, which could be filled with useful elements such as contact information.
Corporate Graphics Solutions includes a step form on its homepage where prospective clients can begin an assessment of their needs. The “Next” button is far too easy to miss and would be better placed in a central position. It takes 7 steps for the user to get to the stage of booking a meeting with a representative, which is far too many.
The form also does not ask for contact information at any stage, which means the company has no way to get in touch with the prospective client. It is possible to book an appointment via the “Contact” page, which renders the form pointless. We would suggest removing the stepper entirely or bringing it down to a maximum of three steps.
Finally, there are some significant accessibility issues on Corporate Graphics Solutions’ homepage. The white text on a green background will be difficult to read for many users. A stronger contrast in colors and larger text would resolve this problem.
When the user rolls their cursor over the items in the website header, the header gets larger to showcase the directionals to sub-pages. Confusingly, some of the text under the navigation buttons is clickable, and some are not. This introduces friction into the user journey and will likely leave users annoyed and frustrated.
The About Us page is sparse enough that a separate page is unnecessary. Its content could be moved to the homepage instead. Alternatively, since “Users expect about” pages, this content could be expanded to effectively tell the brand’s story.
When we click on the “Markets We Serve” page, there are no clickable buttons to take us directly to the relevant industry pages. Instead, we must go back to the navigation bar at the top. Again, this introduces friction and harms the user experience. Some case studies appear on this page and some strong product photography, which we recommend highlighting and linking from the homepage.
Other Pages
Next, we looked closely at Corporate Graphics Solutions’ pages for the individual industries it serves. These pages ask questions that, while appropriate in a sales context, are not necessarily good to use on a website (for example, “Do you want to print health and wellness product labels for your company?”) The pages are also visually dull and text-heavy with very small fonts, with the “Book Printing” page being one notable exception.
Overall, we have noticed almost no visual rhythm across Corporate Graphics Solutions’ website. Each page is different and functions almost as its mini-website. The site’s look is clean, but the lack of structure and consistency is confusing. Too much hidden content also requires a user to click to see more. Users nowadays prefer to scroll than click, so we would advocate for eliminating these elements.
This site is very light on original images, which is problematic for a company that primarily offers visually-driven products and services. The images shown are of high quality, but there are far too few of them. We recommend using much more imagery and making it more prominent on the site.
Next, we looked at the testimonials page. Using numerous testimonials is good as it provides social proof of the company’s ability to deliver. We recommend adding links to the clients’ websites, headshots of the individuals, or company logos to validate that these are genuine testimonials.
Finally, we came to the “Contact” page, which includes all the relevant information and a form to get in touch. The icons should be labeled, as with two phone numbers listed, it is unclear which the prospective client should use.
We suggest making more fields in the contact form mandatory, as only one mandatory field means the company is likely to deal with a lot of spam messages. The form should be narrowed and brought to the top of the page instead of its current position below the fold. We would also suggest removing the Google Map at the top of the page and making the address clickable so users can view it in their preferred maps app.
Ian’s Overall Grade: C
Jeff’s Overall Grade: C
Much of the content on Corporate Graphics Solutions’ site is excellent, it has a great brand aesthetic, and the on-site SEO is strong. However, being familiar with the fantastic work that Corporate Graphics Solutions does, we believe that this site does not show off the business anywhere near its full potential. It is, unfortunately, let down significantly by user friction issues.
Since recording this review, we have been delighted to have signed Corporate Graphics Solutions as a client, and we look forward to working with the team to elevate this website to the level it deserves.
We are currently working on our initial research phase, which includes a full content audit, creating vision boards, and mapping the site. Our goal is to overhaul the look and feel of the website, increase its SEO capabilities, and properly categorize the pages and services. We hope to have the completed new website ready to launch by February 2023.
You can see the entire website design review and all our reviews on our YouTube channel.
Our highly knowledgeable New Jersey B2B web design team would love to hear from you if you have any questions or are interested in building or redesigning a B2B website. You can learn about our services on the Lform website and contact us for a no-obligation chat to get started.