The COVID-19 pandemic led to a worldwide health crisis that continues to impact all aspects of the American economy. Businesses of all sizes and industries now find themselves struggling, many taking drastic measures to stay afloat. Among these measures? Layoffs that resulted in over 20.5 million Americans suddenly losing their jobs.

However, not all businesses have had to resort to these measures. Recent survey data shows that in 60% of companies surveyed, no employees were laid off from their positions. Some businesses even witnessed an increase in online traffic and sales. With such surprising statistics, one must ask what exactly these businesses did to avert the negative impact of COVID-19?

The answer can be found in digital marketing.

Embracing Digital Marketing

More and more businesses have embraced digital marketing strategies as a means of surviving the financial impact of COVID-19. One example of an adapted digital marketing strategy can be found in Guiness’ St. Patrick’s Day message:

Companies everywhere have made sure to connect with their audiences through creative campaigns that address the current situation. It appears these businesses realized what is becoming increasingly clear within the marketing industry:

Adaptation is key. Connectivity is a must.

Digital Marketing Matters Now More Than Ever

The importance of digital marketing has only increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidently, the internet has been the only constant in a sea of uncertainty, especially as it offers many a great source for connectivity and entertainment.

This creates a significant opportunity for businesses that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. With the sudden increase in internet and social media usage, now is the best time to create optimized digital marketing strategies that establish and grow your business’ reach.

How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Business

A good digital marketing strategy is one of the most important tools you have to ensure the wellbeing of your business. Adapting your digital marketing strategy to the COVID-19’s new normal will not only help your business during the pandemic but will also set the stage for what’s to come once the pandemic is over.

What your digital marketing strategy looks like will depend on your niche and business and customer needs. Some industries will have more difficulty than others in executing a successful digital marketing strategy. The results, however, are worth the effort. Your level of commitment to your new digital marketing strategic plan can be the difference between a struggling business and a business that thrives in the face of adversity.

An optimized digital marketing strategy will help you:

Stay connected with your customers

This is one of the most important reasons to have a solid digital marketing strategy (especially now). Staying connected with your customers helps you maintain and nurture the relationship you already have with them. Establish yourself in the digital space to ensure you stay relevant regardless of the current situation.

You can do this in a variety of ways:

  •  Consistently answer customer questions regarding your business.

  •  Address customer concerns on how your business is responding to COVID-19.

  • Update your customers on store hours and health and safety policies you implement to offset the spread.

  • Establish a social media presence that allows your customers to engage and communicate with you.

These simple strategies will help you establish a digital footprint that strengthens your relationship with your customers. Practice them consistently, become a part of the conversation, and help your customers wherever you can. This will keep your brand relevant and useful.

Reach a wider audience

Staying connected with your current customers is incredibly important. But the steps you take to ensure connectivity will also help you reach a wider audience of potential customers. A good example of this would be a Minneapolis web design business that connects with its high-quality content that offers value to its readers.

A digital marketing strategy that goes beyond its established customers will reach a wider audience of potential leads. You can also do this by launching marketing campaigns that will put you on the radar of new internet users.

Strategies such as content marketing, social media marketing, and email campaigns will help you communicate with potential leads and establish a voice within the conversation on current events. Communication creates connectivity, which in turn generates leads. 

Prepare your business for the future

The good news is that the pandemic will not last forever. The even better news is that the hard work you put into your digital marketing strategy will set the stage for the future of your business. What the future of your business looks like, however, will vary greatly on the effort you make today.

While the hardships and negative impacts of COVID-19 may seem inescapable, you can rebuild and improve your business’ health with the proper digital marketing strategy. A solid digital marketing strategy will keep you connected with the heart and soul of your business: your customers. Making the best out of this situation will thus determine the health of your business today, and its future once the pandemic is over.

Digital Marketing During and After COVID-19

Being a business owner has never been more challenging. COVID-19’s impact has been major and tragic, affecting all aspects of the economy in ways seldom seen before. Fortunately, the internet has been a place of solace for many, allowing people all over the world to connect with one another during these difficult times.

These benefits also extend to businesses, as the digital space also offers a medium to establish, maintain, and grow brand awareness, increase traffic, and generate sales. Businesses that understand the power of the internet have managed to not only survive but thrive during these times.

Properly executed, a good digital marketing strategy can provide the same benefits to those who are struggling to stay afloat amid the crisis. More importantly, it can set the stage for what’s to come once the crisis is over. Make sure to have a solid digital marketing strategy to ensure the wellbeing of your business and the value you offer to your customers. 

Dan has hands-on experience in digital marketing since 2007. He has been building teams and coaching others to foster innovation and solve real-time problems. Dan also enjoys photography and traveling.

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